In business since 1995

About Us

Our Philosophy

1 %

Aim to Inspire and solve problems not create a product

1 %

There's a win-win in every solution you just have to look hard enough

1 %

You have to give back to the community that helped build you

Give 300 Percent

And they said you don't have to re-invent the wheel

"I say lets keep re-inventing the wheel, we've gotten bicycles, autos, planes, and energy. That's pretty cool stuff, if you ask me."

The Sound of Music

Derek Nadeau

We are Piscataqua Power

Trailblazing doesn’t even cut it. We waiting for everyone else to catch up and catch on.

Providing unique solutions for the worlds most complicated problems since 1991.

Technology today can solve many of the problems we face, but can also be intimidating and often lacking foresight and expert advice.

Using the latest in technology developments in Quantum computing, IoT technology & User Interface let us guide you to the easiest and problem focused solution.

With insight into today’s technology and advanced manufacturing techniques and partners, we provide solutions that make the impossible and improbable actually possible.

Developing technology to solve today’s biggest issues is what we do, it’s what drives us to and provides for a better tomorrow.


Years Professional Experience Guiding Businesses


Years of Experience of Technology Development


Years computer, energy design and sensor development

Intellectual Property & Patents

  • Intellectual Property
  • Computer Technology
  • Technology Development
  • Energy Development
  • IoT Technology and Sensors

Small & Medium Sized Businesses

  • Automation
  • Construction
  • Medical & Bio Tech
  • Retail & Supply Chains
  • Transportation & Automotive

Business Finance & FINTech

  • Acquisition of Stock
  • Business Trademarks
  • Patent Protection
  • Service Contracts
  • Corporate Aquisitions

Engineering & Architecture

  • Commercial Engineering
  • Technology Applications
  • Environmental Architecture
  • Energy Production Systems
  • Tidal and Chemical Energy Projects

Our Principles

Freedom, it’s not to be taken for granted. It’s been a long road to freedom, paid for with many lives. We owe it to Freedom, for allowing freedom of creativity, freedom of self expression, freedom from tyranny. We mean it, freedom for everyone, because every life matters.  Live Free or Die

You owe it to the community and people that built you. It takes a village to raise a child. It also takes education and safety. A sense of community cannot be under estimated, because we’ve seen what people can do when they band together. 

What you do now affects future generations. Think about what you are doing and how to incorporate and adopt a reduce, re-use and recycle mentality. The Planet and the future depend on it, she’s also your main supplier and partner.

Just send up the the signal and we'll be there...

More to Come...

Meet the Inventors and Trailblazers

Professionals in their own right but leading experts in their respected field

Planet Activist