Power to the PPL.
Motivate, Create, Inspire, and Solve

Piscataqua Power Limited
for the people, by the PPL
Founded 1-13/2023 Preventing what could have happened, since ...
Creating problem solving solutions for today's toughest problems.
From energy production to food supply chain improvements and environmental science we're not afraid to tackle it all.
Honesty, Integrity, Simplicity
If it aint broke dont fix it You can't use what hasn't been invented yet
We choose to go to the Moon in this decade and do the other thing, not because it its easy but because it is hard.
Because that goal will serve to organize the best of our energies and skills, and that challenge is one we are willing to accept, one we are unwilling to postpone, and one we intend to win.
- John F Kennedy-
Our Expertise & Solutions to Your Unique Problems
Fast Help & Advice
We're here to guide you, and get you to where you need to go, fast and efficiently, if we don't have a solution we may know or direct you to someone who may.
Cutom Case Solutions
Creating custom solutions for tough problems is what we do. Confidentiality is important, let's take the proper steps to resolve your issues, getting it right the first time and the right way
Excellent Client Satisfaction
We love helping business and products, concepts and PEOPLE grow. It's our passion and privelege to be able to help innovation, technology and success.

Imagination is more important than knowledge
Albert Einstein Physicist and Genius
It took over 1000 times to get it wrong but I only needed 1 time to get it right
Thomas Edison Inventor & Entrepreneur
who we are
All services in one place
Our Goal is Simple

We started with a simple goal in mind....
Invest in our future, Inspire, Motivate, Design, create, to give back, remain profitable, charitable, and community involved.
What makes us tick and stay up at night is the betterment of evolution and innovation.
What our company makes in profits we put back. Back into our employees, community, innovation, support & education, a fund specifically dedicated and entrusted to the planet, the wildlife, inhabitants , and to its future generation of people.
We aim to compound on our success, by inspiring and motivating others and companies to do the same. Everyone wins when you rig the game.
Meet the Team

Our Inspirations

Sometimes it's the crazy ones who actually do
Steve Jobs Founder and CEO - Apple